The Better Business Book: 100 People, 100 Stories, 100 Business Lessons To Live By


$99 $200 ( 50% off )



If you're like me, you probably have 100+ business books on your shelf collecting dust. Some of them you've read, some of them you had hopes of reading, but life just got in the way. Each of those books probably followed a theme and had one important underlying message to share with you. Hundreds of pages, thousands of words, but only one golden nugget of underlying wisdom. All that reading for just one golden nugget. Imagine if you could have one book that gave you 100 golden nuggets. Less dust. Less clutter. Just one book to always have by your side and reference whenever you need to. Well, that's The Better Business Book. It's your one-stop shop for crystal-clear business advice that you can use to grow your business and live the life you've always wanted. The Better Business Book is better than your average business book. That's how we came up with the title. It consists of 100 people each sharing their most valuable business lesson. A real story from their business experience and the lesson they learned from it. Each time you read it, you will learn something new. Guaranteed. We hope you enjoy reading this book half as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.

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